Nov. 30, 2023
PPG Meeting Agenda
Thursday 30th November 2023 at 4.30pm
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Update on building works to the practice
3. Review of PPG and moving forward
4. AOB
PPG MEETING 30 November 2023 1630
Our chairperson has stepped down as Chair so we need a replacement
What time of day would be best for meeting to encourage participation – perhaps some may still be shielding (will try lunchtime next)
Completion by end of January
Lift now in and brickwork plastered, moveable, wipeable seating in waiting room, disabled access, new entrance, interview room, duty room for duty doctor and receptionist
Extra admin room upstairs
REQUEST Flowchart of NHS structure and DMP staff
Request for PPG group to show patients round and promote DMP – this prompted discussion on role of PPG and several comments on the lack of communication and problems encountered by members – appointment system, reception seen as being in control, online form not user friendly
How can we promote if not a good product?
Complaints are discussed at Partner meetings
NEXT MEETING 30 January at 1300